Author: Jon Halle

Jon is a co-founder of the Big Solar Co-op and of Sharenergy Co-operative

Consultation on draft plans

We have recently received draft plans for the proposed scheme and have organised a public consultation to share these with the community. This will be at the Ludlow Assembly Rooms, on 5th September, between 4pm and 7pm, all welcome. You…

Share offer closes

Our share offer closes at midnight tonight. It will take a while to collate the applications from various sources (the post office chose today not to deliver to this entire building!) and reconcile the bank accounts but it looks like…

One more week of share offer

Shares in Wester Derry Wind Co-op are still available for one week more. To the best of our knowledge it’s the only current opportunity for normal people (who are not hotshot investors or banks!) to own part of a wind…

Now listed on Ethex

Our co-op is now listed on Ethex, the UK’s first not-for-profit positive investment website. It’s another string to our bow alongside the more traditional methods of application- and means you can join the co-op and pay online without filling in…

Launch of Pioneer Share Offer

Corwen Electricity Co-operative are delighted to launch their pioneer share offer. This is to raise money needed to complete the development phase of the project to obtain planning permission, the abstraction licence and to put in place the necessary leases…